14 Health Benefits of Seaweed

Author: Liam Collins

Seaweed is a standard part of everyday meals in many parts of Asia, especially Japanese cuisine. Recently, many other countries have followed the trend due to the various benefits offered by this unique plant from the sea. Seaweed is naturally salty, crunchy, and low in calories.

Plus, this protein-rich plant contains essential vitamins and nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. If you need more fiber in your diet, adding seaweed is one of the best ways to achieve that while improving your nutritional profile. You can buy over 100 different types of edible seaweed worldwide. Some of these are sold in grocery stores more often than others. Nori is mainly used in sushi and snacks, and kelp is commonly found in noodles and soups.


1. Rich in Nutrients

Algae provide high concentrations of iodine and iron, essential for a healthy body. There are many types of seaweed, each providing a unique blend of essential vitamins and minerals, but all variants are rich in iron and iodine. Seaweed is also low in calories and a good source of carbohydrates, protein, healthy fiber, and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Seaweed is also a good source of several vitamins, such as B, E, C, and A. Of course, iron and iodine are just two of the most important essential minerals found in water-based plants. All types of algae may offer protection against many forms of cellular oxidative stress in those who consume them, partly due to their antioxidant content. The plant also helps reduce inflammation throughout the body, as they use the same beneficial, immune-boosting antioxidants.

2. Supports healthy thyroid function

Your thyroid is responsible for releasing hormones and controlling their levels. Hormones that control the thyroid are responsible for cell repair, energy production, and overall growth. Your thyroid must have and maintain adequate iodine levels to work at peak efficiency. Everyone's iodine needs may differ, but everyone needs iodine to stay healthy.

Hypothyroidism can be caused by insufficient iodine, leading to other complications such as goiter. Algae is a rich source of natural iodine, which helps prevent iodine deficiency and supports healthy thyroid function. Be sure to consult your doctor before using seaweed as a source of iodine, as too much iodine in the body can also be harmful. High levels of iodine in the blood can lead to hyperthyroidism.

3. Diabetes management

Many countries use algae to control existing diabetes cases and prevent diabetes in high-risk groups. High-fiber vegetables are good for fighting diabetes, and seaweed is high in fiber. Fiber works in the body to help regulate insulin and blood sugar levels.

You can add fiber in the form of seaweed to your diet without increasing your daily calorie intake or affecting your blood sugar levels. Several studies have shown that seaweed contains compounds that can help reduce high blood sugar levels, a hallmark of type 2 diabetes. Algae also help lower fat levels and reduce insulin sensitivity. Another factor that eating seaweed can reduce is inflammation. By reducing these factors, people with diabetes can manage their condition.

4. Supports a healthy gut

Your gut is a messy place that requires a delicate balance of bacteria to stay healthy. The good bacteria in your gut work to break down the food you eat, regulate digestion and contribute to your overall health. Bacteria thrive on beneficial fibers like those found in seaweed and seaweed. This water-based plant ensures gut health due to its high fiber content.

This fiber feeds the good bacteria in your gut, where it's broken down to boost your immune system and support healthy digestion. Seaweed is an excellent choice if you're looking for an easy way to add low-calorie prebiotic fiber to your diet. In addition to feeding the bacteria in your gut, it also contains many vitamins and minerals your body needs to thrive. Seaweed has also been used successfully to treat diarrhea and constipation.

5. Aids in weight loss

If you're trying to lose weight, you can try new eating and exercise routines. However, many people need help sticking to a diet or exercise program for extended periods. With the easy way to lose weight and keep it off, you should make fundamental lifestyle changes to lose weight quickly. Adding seaweed to your diet is a great way to boost your weight loss without making drastic lifestyle changes.

Seaweed is high in fiber and has very few calories. The high fiber content can help people feel fuller for longer, leading to fewer snacks. When the stomach feels full, it sends more periodic hunger signals to the brain. When a person avoids overeating, weight loss is a natural consequence. Additionally, seaweed takes longer to digest, and its active ingredient, fucoxanthin, helps actively attack fat.


6. Good for the heart

What Other Benefits Are There of Algae? Many people need to be aware of seaweed's importance for heart health. A daily serving of seaweed can help prevent heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular diseases. That's because of this fantastic water-based botanical's vitamin B9 and folic acid. It all comes down to an amino acid called homocysteine.

Did you know that just two leaves a day can provide over 150% of your recommended daily vitamin K intake? While reaping the full benefits of seaweed, you'll also strengthen your bones while preventing calcium buildup. Other benefits of seaweed regarding bone health include its rich vitamin K content. When levels of homocysteine in the blood are too high, heart disease may result. Vitamin B9 converts these amino acids into harmless molecules.

7. Source of protective antioxidants

Eating just a tiny amount of seaweed daily can provide many health benefits. Just two tablespoons of seaweed are enough to meet nearly a quarter of your recommended intake of vitamins C and A. These vitamins are potent antioxidants that help the body fight disease and infection. Algae have beneficial effects on the body by releasing flavonoids into the bloodstream.

This help eliminates free radicals (known to cause tissue damage and cause us to age faster). Vitamin A, on the other hand, helps fight infection. Think of all the mucous membranes in the body—the nose, eyes, lungs, urinary tract, and intestines. Vitamin A allows these mucous membranes to act as a barrier against foreign bacteria. When taken with a source of fat, algae not only helps heal free radical damage but prevents it altogether.

8. Supports Oral Health

There are many ways to strengthen teeth and improve oral health. One way is to reduce the acidity in your mouth. Acidic foods and drinks such as coffee, chocolate, and even meat change the pH in the mouth, allowing bacteria to grow unhindered. Consider replacing coffee with green tea or seaweed tea, which contains a substance proven to kill bacteria in the mouth.

Increasing the amount of minerals in your diet can also help maintain oral health. Your body needs certain minerals for strong bones and healthy teeth—calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus. Calcium is found in milk, cheese, and other dairy products, as well as in almonds and sesame seeds. Magnesium and phosphorus are found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, pumpkin seeds, seaweed squash, and brown rice. Add these healthy foods to your diet for stronger teeth. Algae contain a lot of calcium and minerals.

9. Good source of fiber

When you think fiber, you most likely think of carbohydrates, which should be avoided in a typical diet. Choose healthy high-fiber carbohydrates like barley instead of eating empty calories like white rice or white bread. Sweet potatoes are an example of an excellent fiber-rich carbohydrate. Not only does it satisfy your sweet tooth, but it's also high in beta-carotene, which helps stabilize blood sugar and permanently reduce insulin resistance.

Seaweed is another fiber-rich vegetable. It's naturally low in calories, making it the perfect snack. It also contains high levels of natural iodine, which is known to support normal thyroid function. Seaweed also contains fucoxanthin, which helps the body burn fat. Fiber is also essential for proper digestion and maintaining a healthy gut.

10. Good source of healthy protein

Your body burns more calories digesting protein than any other type of food. This may be one reason why high-protein diets have become more popular recently. Protein consumption consumes up to 25% of calories expended. Protein is vital in helping your body maintain existing muscle mass while building new muscle.

This is important because muscle burns fat more efficiently, which can help you reach your weight loss goals faster. Protein also reduces snacking cravings, resulting in less snacking and increased fat burning. Algae provide a rich source of protein while being low in calories. For vegetarians and vegans, seaweed is rich in protein and other minerals and can completely replace meat and fish. Not only is it high in protein, but it's also high in fiber and vitamins.


11. Helps treat asthma and pneumonia

You can add a variety of foods to your diet to help your body naturally fight asthma and inflammation. Antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, such as seaweed, and foods rich in omega-3 oils are good choices. Even the spices you use to flavor your food can positively affect your cellular function. Cinnamon, basil, and turmeric lower blood pressure and reduce swelling and inflammation associated with asthma.

While changing your diet to incorporate these natural remedies is part of a long-term plan, there is another easy way to reduce inflammation without changing your lifestyle. Seaweed juice has many beneficial properties that improve the health of the body. Seaweed juice and extracts are a delicious way to reduce joint inflammation with minimal dietary changes and no side effects.

12. Lowers Cholesterol Levels

Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Obesity, smoking, chronic stress, and high cholesterol can contribute to heart disease. Algae can help lower cholesterol and improve your overall heart health. Regular seaweed consumption can reduce triglyceride levels by 31% and LDL by 36%. Another cause of heart disease and other cardiovascular disorders is excessive blood clotting.

Algae contain a particular carbohydrate called fucoidan, which helps reduce or prevent blood clots. For those suffering from excessive blood clotting, seaweed can significantly help. One study showed that seaweed extract was as effective as prescription anticoagulant drugs in preventing blood clots. Water-based plants also contain peptides related to blood pressure or blood pressure regulation. However, more research is still needed.

13. Relieve symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis

Many homeopathic remedies on the market can help treat pulmonary fibrosis. However, the most effective is algae therapy. Natural seaweed is an excellent remedy to help clear blocked nasal passages, reduce internal swelling, and has other anti-inflammatory properties. There is no way to reverse the scarring caused by pulmonary fibrosis or stop the disease.

Many prescription compounds can provide short-term relief but have many serious side effects. Oxygen therapy is a great way to increase oxygen flow in the blood and reduce feelings of weakness, but it doesn't do much to relieve respiratory infections. Algae therapy is a proven method, and regular use can slow the condition's progression and reduce the severity of symptoms. The minerals and natural salts in the algae help calm the lungs.

14. Great source of omega-3

DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids are essential for a healthy immune system. Most land plants are rich in vitamins but do not provide high concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids. Most people get the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA from meat, fish, or supplements. While these are excellent sources of these essential compounds, some people may have allergies or choose not to consume these sources.

Seaweed has long been used as a source of omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA for vegetarians and vegans. Algae provide more than the daily value of essential fatty acids and are also a protein-rich food source. This sea-sourced plant is low in calories and can be prepared in several ways. Seaweed is an excellent option if you're looking for a healthy way to add more omega-3 fatty acids to your diet.